Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cereal for Amaris

Amaris is old enough now to start solid foods so we started with rice cereal. The first time you are supposed to make it really runny. She didn't seem to be a big fan of that so we started making it like paste. By the time she spits it out several times, it gets all runny anyway. Enjoy a few pictures her second or third feeding! We'll get the video posted as soon as blogger decides to cooperate (we keep getting an error when we try to upload the video).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's a girl dog

Sheinah gave Travis a lesson today on the difference between girls and boys. She had one of her stuffed animals (a little puppy) that she was playing with and Travis made the mistake of referring to it as "he." Sheinah says: "No daddy, it's a girl dog. See (showing him the dog's belly), there's nothing sticking out. Do you see anything sticking out? (Travis says no). Well then, it's a girl dog. If there was something sticking out it would be a boy dog."

I guess this means that all her stuffed animals are girls...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rolling Over

Amaris has rolled over a few times (from her tummy to her back), but it has been so random that we haven't been able to catch it on video. Today she was a rolling queen. Here is how the story goes. Amaris rolled over three or four times while Travis was getting the camera ready. Once he got it, she rolled again and then he realized that he didn't have a memory card in the camera. Each of these rolls had been to her left side. Finally, he was really ready, and Amaris rolled one last the right...right to Sheinah. If you listen closely in the video you can hear Sheinah something like "This time she is going to roll to me daddy." Enjoy!