Sunday, June 3, 2007

Bedtime Story

Part of our nighttime routine with Sheinah is to read her several bedtime stories. One of her favorites is a book called "I Love You Through and Through." It is a story with a little boy and his bear. It was a gift from the staff at the Vineyard when Sheinah was born, but we only found it a few months ago. Anyway, we created a bunch of "actions" to go with the story to help Sheinah be more interested in the book. Now that she is talking more, we decided to video tape the reading of the story. We're actually going to have to do it again because Travis accidentally skipped a page (fingers and toes page). For now, enjoy the video!

P.S. When we turn the book upside down it is because the Teddy Bear is upside down in the picture. Sheinah always wants to turn him right-side-up.

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