Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The "Fall Inn"

We got a nice little snow storm today. It wasn't all that big of a deal, except for the roads got really slick...and we have evidence to prove it! While driving home from work early to get a jump start on cooking Thanksgiving Dinner, Melissa got to experience the ice first hand. She was driving slow because the roads were bad and made almost home without any events....until she tried to turn on our street. She hit a patch of ice and realized she wasn't going to be able to stop. The decision was to either go straight or sideways into the ditch :) By the grace of God and some seriously good driving, she put it nicely in the ditch right between a pole and a sign. She was unharmed and so was the van!

Check out the pictures:

And here's a video (using the new blogger video uploader):

1 comment:

Team Davis said...

Nice driving skills. Maybe your husband's rally driving over the years has paid off.