Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Is hotdog a Vegetable?
Anyway, Lori took this video this morning while Allen was cutting the deer up into steaks. Here is a transcript for those of you who can't understand Sheinah-ese:
Travis: What is this?
Sheinah: A deer that doesn't walk anymore
Travis: A deer that doesn't walk anymore? Do you like deer?
Sheinah: NO
Travis: How come?
Sheinah: Cuz they walk.
Travis: Cuz they walk? Where do they walk at?
Sheinah: Grass
Travis: In the grass? What are you gonna eat if you are not gonna eat deer?
Sheinah: Vegetables
Travis: Vegetables? What kind of vegetables?
Sheinah: Broccoli...
Travis: Broccoli!
Sheinah: and, uh...hotdogs
Travis: and hotdogs!
Sheinah: and carrots
Travis: Broccoli and hotdogs and carrots. I don't know if hotdogs are vegetables. You don't know, but you're not going to eat deer?
Sheinah: no
Travis: no, because they walk, huh? You want to touch it.
Sheinah: no
Travis: Look it, Opa has some, you want to touch it?
Sheinah: no
Travis: OK
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dance Class
The little girl in the green shirt is Sheinah's friend, Gabrielle. You'll see that they are the only two little girls who are not wearing fancy dance clothes. Maybe Auntie Shannon can make Sheinah a little dance skirt for Christmas? HINT, HINT, HINT :)
In this week's class, the girls learned first position. In the video below, you'll see Gabrielle and Sheinah practicing first position and doing a PliƩ and then doing a dance at the end. The teacher uses some neat terms to help the girls learn the positions. To get them into first position, she talks about zipping and unzipping the feet. To do the PliƩ, the girls "open a window." Sheinah really doesn't like first position at all (she won't unzip her feet in the video). I guess we'll be doing tap dance class instead of ballet in the future! Enjoy the video!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Shannon, the master seamstress
Sunday, November 9, 2008
What's Missing?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Story time for Amaris
You'll hear Sheinah talking about duck poop several times. After we stopped recording, Travis asked Sheinah why she was talking about poop so much. She said, "here, let me show you where the poop is" and proceeded to turn to a page that had a drawing of what she thought was the duck's poop. It was actually a soda bottle in the water, but she was convinced it was poop and that became the focus of her story :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wake up time
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fixing Jonne's bike
Travis took Sheinah outside to play because the weather was nice (an oddity for Duluth at this time of year). He decided to put the muffler back on Jonne's dirt bike while they were outside. "Uncle Jonne" travels for his job so our home is kind of his storage unit. When Travis was done, it was Sheinah's turn to fix Jonne's bike. It's important to notice that she actually uses the wrench appropriately (only putting it on actual bolts) and that she figured out she needed a larger size for the big bolts. At any rate, she had a good time hanging out with her daddy.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Just like daddy
For those of you who do not have little girls, you may not be aware that the genitalia are swollen when little girls are first born. In fact, it takes quite awhile for this area to shrink to normal size. Sheinah was helping her daddy change Amaris' diaper today. She pointed to Amaris' private area and said "Daddy, she looks like you!" This taught us two things: (1) it might be time for Sheinah to stop taking showers with daddy (2) she is very observant because of the swelling it DID look kind of like male genitals. We tried to explain to Sheinah that Amaris would look like her soon, but we're not sure if she understood.
Monday, October 27, 2008
baby bum
Sunday, October 26, 2008
37 Week Excitement
On Friday night, Melissa started having contractions that were stronger than they had been and they were coming pretty close together (about 5 to 10 minutes apart) for about a 2 hours. We decided to do the lay on the left side and drink a bunch of water thing and the contractions stopped after 30 minutes. We figured we better check her blood pressure and it turned out to be high (150/100) so we gave the doc a call. They wanted Melissa to come in so they could run lab tests and make sure she wasn't heading into HELLP syndrome again. Well, our planned babysitter wasn't available and Sheinah was already in bed so we had to call around to find someone to come stay with Sheinah. At the last minute, we remembered that we needed to do something with Samson also. Luckily, we have enough friends with dogs and found someone to take him.
We got to the hospital about 10:30pm and got set up on the monitors. The contractions had slowed down but Melissa's blood pressure was still high. After about an hour, they had Melissa lay on her side to see what happened. It was amazing actually. The contractions stopped (which we kind of expected) but her blood pressure also dropped to normal within 15 minutes. They watched her for another hour until her labs came back (all normal) and decided that since her blood pressure went normal when she was laying down, that we could go home. The deal, for this weekend anyway, is that we are to call them if her blood pressure goes back up. We aren't exactly sure what they will do if it goes up but goes back down if she lays on her side but we'll keep everyone posted. For now...her blood pressure was good all day on Saturday :)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Who needs a table?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Reading a story
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Baby Car Seat
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
36 Weeks
This left us with three options: (1) wait and see what happens (2) perform a procedure called breech version in which the doc pushes on the uterus to get the baby to flip over (3) schedule a C-section. We, of course, opted for trying to get the baby to flip since we really don't want surgery. Our doc doesn't attempt breech births...if the baby is not head down, mommy gets a c-section...that's it. Thus, our best bet was to give this breech version procedure a try. You can read about the procedure at this website:
We spent three hours at the hospital going through all the steps described above, but it took only 3 minutes for the doc to get Baby Bum to flip over. The procedure could be described as "uncomfortable" for mommy, but much preferred to surgery! Melissa immediately felt a whole lot better not having that little tiny foot kicking her unmentionables :) Even her belly looks a little bit different now that the baby is head down. Anyway, there is no guarantee that Baby Bum will stay in the proper position until it's time for her to make her entrance into the world so we would appreciate your prayers that she stays where she is supposed to be.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Dancing Princess
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
35 weeks
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sheinah turns three
1. Eight kids aged three to five are much louder and full of energy compared to three two-year-olds
2. The parenting styles of Sheinah's classmates at pre-school are different from our's in many ways which makes partytime a little more interesting.
3. It's hard to take pictures and chase kids at the same time :)
Sheinah really enjoyed herself with so many of her friends from preschool. Scott and Brandee Davis caught a flight up to Duluth for the day so that Avery could attend the party also. It was such a blessing to see them for a few hours. Seriously though, when Sheinah turns four, there will be fewer kids at her party!
Check out this video of her blowing out the candles.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Spokane WA
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Maternity Photo Shoot
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Magic Braids
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Almost Pony Ride
Thursday, September 18, 2008
32 Weeks
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm a Mommy Too
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sheinah's Memory
Monday, August 18, 2008
Week 28
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Singing to Baby
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Princess Piggy Bank
Monday, August 11, 2008
YTB Convention 2008
where do the underwear go?
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sheinah's new room
Friday, July 25, 2008
Baby Belly Week 24
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Strawberry Pickin'
Monday, July 21, 2008
As many of you know, Travis traveled with a woman's choir while he was in college. One of the women from the choir, Rosie, lives in Chicago so we connected with them one night to go out for dinner. We decided to go to Cheesecake Factory (Melissa's favorite restaurant). It was about 12 blocks away on the "Miracle Mile" where parking is virtually non-existent so we decided to hoof it. For Melissa, this meant borrowing a wheelchair from the hotel and Travis pushing her to the restaurant. Sheinah caught a ride in the stroller with Rosie's little girl so the only Bumgardner who got any exercise was Travis. Surprisingly, Travis didn't get any pictures of Melissa in the wheelchair. Travis snapped a bunch of pictures of the girls in the stroller, but little Selah did not want to smile at him. After about 20 pictures, he finally got this precious grin.
We had a great time with Rosie, her husband Jose, and her daughter Selah. While we were walking down to the restaurant, we noticed that many stores had decorated mannequins in the planter in front of the store. There were all sorts of oddly dressed mannequins, but the one Travis liked the most (and took a picture of) was the coke girl. As lovely as this picture is, the best story of the night happened when Rosie left to change Selah's diaper. Melissa happened to take Sheinah to the bathroom at the same time so just the guys were left at the table. Somehow, they managed to let the waiter take away Rosie's plate even though she hadn't hardly eaten her dinner yet. When Rosie came back, she wasn't exactly happy with Jose. The story has a happy ending though...we just told the waiter what happened and the manager replaced Rosie's meal...just one of the many benefits of eating at a nice restaurant!