Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sheinah turns three

We celebrated Sheinah's third birthday at the Children's Museum again. Sheinah got to sit in the special birthday chair and be the birthday princess (with a special hat and wand). She picked out her dress that she wanted to wear and was adamant that she get to wear her hair down. She had tons of fun and we learned several important lessons:

1. Eight kids aged three to five are much louder and full of energy compared to three two-year-olds

2. The parenting styles of Sheinah's classmates at pre-school are different from our's in many ways which makes partytime a little more interesting.

3. It's hard to take pictures and chase kids at the same time :)

Sheinah really enjoyed herself with so many of her friends from preschool. Scott and Brandee Davis caught a flight up to Duluth for the day so that Avery could attend the party also. It was such a blessing to see them for a few hours. Seriously though, when Sheinah turns four, there will be fewer kids at her party!

Check out this video of her blowing out the candles.

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