Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baby Bum Part Deux

We are pleased to announce that somewhere near November 18, 2008 we will be welcoming a new addition to our family. For those of you who remember the adventure that occurred when Sheinah was born, we certainly will appreciate your prayers for the safety of both the baby and Melissa during this pregnancy. The doctor has assured us that it would be like "lightening striking the same place twice" to have all of those complications occur again.

Travis took a video of our first ultrasound with his phone. If you look at the small circle on the left, you can see the heart only 6 weeks gestation!


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Team Davis said...

Congratulations!!!! We will be praying for you.

annetta said...

Yayayayayayayayayayayayaaaaaaaaayaya! I am so happy for you guys! We will keep you in our prayers. Keep us updated.