Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tennis Ball Gun Gone Wrong

The Bumgardner boys have never really grown up. Case in point - while we were in Wyoming at Dusty's house, Dusty took all the kids (including the grown-up ones) outside to play with his toy. It was basically a potato gun on steroids. The goal of the gun was to shoot tennis balls really far using hairspray and a flint in the bottom of a PVC pipe. Apparently, he uses this gun all the time to entertain the kids. Enter Travis....

Now those of you who know us well are aware of Travis' various head injuries...all of which involved ice. Somehow, in the process of doing nothing more than observing someone else use the tennis ball gun, the lid to the gun shot off the back, hit the concrete and bounced up, hitting Travis in the eyebrow. It just so happens that Travis doesn't have health insurance. Thus, we had to make the decision about whether or not the cut was deep enough to need a trip to the emergency room for stitches. The group concensus was that superglue and steri-strips would do. The operating team included Melissa, Dusty, and Shannon with assistance from the entire Bumgardner clan. The repair was videotaped by Kerry and I'm sure will show up on some Bumgardner's blog or facebook page. Dusty swears that he and the kids have used this thing forever without any problems...

The best part of the story is when we got home. Remember that we are business owners and Travis is the face of the pharmacy up front. His story was that he mouthed off to Melissa one time too many :)

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