Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Almost Pony Ride

We took Sheinah to the Fall Festival at Chester Bowl today specifically so that she could go for a pony ride. After waiting in line for about 15 minutes, it was finally her turn. She picked out which pony she wanted to ride and it happened to be one standing next to a big pile of poop. Melissa called Travis' attention to the poop so he wouldn't step in it and it apparently distracted Sheinah enough that she used that as an excuse not to ride. She wouldn't let Travis move away enough for us to get a good picture of the few seconds she actually sat on the horse, but at least she tried. She told us that she would try again when she was bigger...after she turns 3. There is a place to ride ponies at the Apple Festival in Bayfield. We'll be going on her birthday weekend in 2 weeks so we'll see if she will give it another go.

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