Monday, April 9, 2007

Sheinah's Alphabet

One of Melissa's coworkers (Adam) lives down the street from us and has a daughter close in age to Sheinah. We take walks over their quite frequently. One day, we were hanging out at their house and got to talking about how well their daughter, Eva, could say her alphabet. They mentioned that they do alphabet flash cards with Eva every day. So, we ran out and bought Sheinah some really cool alphabet flash cards :)

It is absolutely amazing how her language skills just started taking off. We video taped her saying the words from the flash cards that she knows. You'll notice that she still uses her baby-signs for some words (mouse and cat are two examples).

1 comment:

namaje said...

she is just so smart.By the time I see her she will be talking in sentences and the flash cards I got her will help her even more. mom