Saturday, June 21, 2008

Buzz off

Sheinah has a series of movies called "Hermie and Friends" by Max Lucado that her Nama buys for her. The latest one she got when Nama came to visit involves a bumblebee called Buzzbee. His niece and nephew come to stay with him and they have bad manners. The point of the show (similar to the VeggieTales series) is to teach moral lessons in 30 minutes or less. The lesson of this episode is learning manners. The little niece bee in the movie tells her uncle Buzzbee to "buzz off." Sheinah decided that this was a fun phrase to say and started saying it frequently. We reminded her that the girl in the movie had bad manners and that it wasn't nice to say "buzz off." So, Sheinah started saying "the girl in the movie says BUZZ OFF" so that she could still get away with saying it. Who knew that two year olds could figure out a way around the rules?

1 comment:

Team Davis said...

I know what you mean! Avery has had to be in 1 min. time outs for screaming. The other day, he ran over to his time out spot and sat down and then started to scream. He knew he was already in time out so there wasn't any other consequence!