Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 20 Baby Bum #2

We had our 20 week check-up and ultrasound on Friday. We were a bit disappointed because we didn't get very many pictures this time. The baby was just in a funky position making the tech use almost the entire time just trying to get the required measurements. The position did allow us to a get a clear shot of the baby's gender. For those of you who are not familiar with ultrasound gender determination, a "hamburger" (three lines) means its a girl, a "turtle" means its a boy. Based on the baby's gender, we will NOT need to have a big rummage sale this summer (if you don't get it, just go to the end of the post).

Enjoy the pictures!

These are the 4-D ultrasound pictures. The baby is all snuggled up against the placenta.

These are the regular ultrasound pictures.

Drum roll please...and the baby is....a GIRL! Sheinah is actually really excited. She had just told us on Thursday night that she didn't want a boy baby. We were struggling to explain to her that we don't really get to choose what we have. When we told her it was a girl, she was very happy! We do have an ultrasound picture showing the "hamburger" evidence. However, Travis made the point of the strangeness of posting a picture of our baby's "hoohoo" (as he called it) so we took the picture down.
Finally, many of you have been asking if Melissa is showing yet. She is, but she can actually still hide it pretty well. She has only gained a total of 6 pounds so far and she's half-way through the pregnancy! Actually, since she lost three or four pounds in the first two months of pregnancy, she is actually only up 3 pounds from her pre-pregnancy weight, but who's counting? Glad you asked...Travis is actually counting because we made a deal that he would lose weight equal to the amount Melissa gains during the pregnancy. Starting tomorrow, he's taking it seriously and going back to his protein shake routine. We are still debating on if he has to go by the actual weight gain or the physician-recorded weight gain :)

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