Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sedgwick County Fair

The Sedgwick County Fair began today with the annual parade. We found out on Monday that we (Abts Pharmacy and Carolyn's Flowers) needed to be in the parade. The ladies of the store did an amazing job creating a float in just two days. It helps that we have a flower shop well stocked with decorating supplies. Faye, one of our clerks, provided her truck and trailer which everyone (except the pharmacists) proceeded to decorate. It is my personal opinon that we had the best float, but I may a bit biased. The theme for the fair is "Tough enough to wear pink" in support of breast cancer awareness. Thus, the entire float, including the folks on it, wore lots and lots of pink. Donna, another of our clerks, found day-glo hot pink hats for the guys to wear and Judy (one of the former owners) provided Travis with an amazing hot pink shirt. I have three favorite memories from the parade: (1) Travis in the hot pink shirt with the collar turned up to make him look cool (2) Murl wearing his hot pink hat sideways saying "I is the pharmacist" (3) Sheinah talking about caramel poop (in reference to all the horse manure on the road).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raspberry toots

We try to spend a little one-on-one time with Sheinah in the evenings after we put Amaris to bed. Tonight, we were having a tickle fight. Sheinah and I decided to blow raspberries on Travis' tummy. Sheinah needed me to show her what to do because she didn't quite know how to do it. I showed her and then gave her a turn. As soon as she blew out, she also tooted. We, of course, started laughing and asked her to do it again. Amazingly she did...again, and again, and again. I wonder if there is any need for people who can fart on demand? Anyway, we got a video of it. My favorite part was her trying to show Travis how to do it and Travis's face turning red as he tried unsuccessfully to toot. Apparently, she didn't get her ability in this area from her daddy. Be sure to turn up the volume in order to hear the toots.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First tooth

Amaris finally cut her first tooth today. It seems like she has been teething for months. Of course, she is very grumpy and drooly and can't seem to put enough stuff in her mouth but we are happy that the first tooth is through.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Life is Good

Life in Julesburg has improved dramatically since our last post. Our insurance problems have been mostly resolved, we are actually getting paid from insurance companies now, and we almost know what we are doing in running this business.

The girls are flourishing here. Amaris started crawling last week. Her amazing daycare provider caught it on video with her cell phone for us! After just one week of practice, she's already crawling all over the place...mostly to chase the dog. Travis is convinced that she can say "dog" but what she is really saying is "Doh." We've got some videos of her saying this and the crawling that some day we will find the time to post.

Sheinah graduated from her level 1 swimming class. She passed everything EXCEPT putting her face in the water. She can ride her bike by herself pretty fast (of course, it has training wheels on). We call her our little brownie because she is getting so tan. She talks like a grown up, talks back, and generally gives us a glimpse of the joys the teenager years hold for us in the future. She did amazing with her cousins while we were gone in Orlando. She didn't get weepy or anything until the very last day...such a big girl.

As mentioned above, we left the girls for the first time for three days to attend a conference in Orlando. It was good for us to figure out how to leave our girls and we got so much done with the business. It was a great trip and everyone survived with only a few tears!

That's all for now. We are so blessed to be here in Julesburg and appreciate your continued prayers as we figure out what we are doing.