Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sedgwick County Fair

The Sedgwick County Fair began today with the annual parade. We found out on Monday that we (Abts Pharmacy and Carolyn's Flowers) needed to be in the parade. The ladies of the store did an amazing job creating a float in just two days. It helps that we have a flower shop well stocked with decorating supplies. Faye, one of our clerks, provided her truck and trailer which everyone (except the pharmacists) proceeded to decorate. It is my personal opinon that we had the best float, but I may a bit biased. The theme for the fair is "Tough enough to wear pink" in support of breast cancer awareness. Thus, the entire float, including the folks on it, wore lots and lots of pink. Donna, another of our clerks, found day-glo hot pink hats for the guys to wear and Judy (one of the former owners) provided Travis with an amazing hot pink shirt. I have three favorite memories from the parade: (1) Travis in the hot pink shirt with the collar turned up to make him look cool (2) Murl wearing his hot pink hat sideways saying "I is the pharmacist" (3) Sheinah talking about caramel poop (in reference to all the horse manure on the road).

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