Monday, January 7, 2008

Copyrighted photos?

We ordered an 8X10 of our favorite picture from our Christmas vacation to pick up at Walgreens (see image on the left). Melissa had ordered it online so it was in her name but Travis went to pick it up. When he got there, the cashier looked at him strangely and asked him if he was the one who took the picture. Travis was thinking that they weren't going to let him pick it up since it was of a child and his name wasn't on the order. It turns out that was not their concern at all. There was a big note on the front of the envelope that said "Copyrighted" with a question mark. They thought the photo was taken by a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER and that we were trying to get it printed at Walgreens. How's that for a compliment? Travis DID take the picture with our little Canon. He has been 'studying' photography tips from an online site and has done special things to the camera to make it take much better evidence by the copyright scare. This photo has not been edited in photoshop. It is the picture as taken by Travis on Christmas Eve. Needless to say, Travis is getting a big head now about his photo skills :)

1 comment:

Team Davis said...

That picture is awesome! It does look professional, but don't let that get to your head Mr. Bum.