Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reading Material

Sheinah has developed the habit of "reading" on the potty (wonder where she learned that one...hint: it is the hairiest member of the Bums). She'll use her stool to climb up on the potty and then promptly ask us to either read to her or leave her alone so she can read her book on her own. She usually says something like "stand back, I reading." This morning, we couldn't help but snap a photo of it. Once we took the first few pictures, Sheinah decided that the puppy needed to be in the picture with her. Such a silly girl!


annetta said...

So what do you have her reading in this photo?

The Bumgardners said...

So...what she reads every morning is her kids picture bible. When I went to get the camera, she put her bible down and picked up Travis' book. :)
