Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who's the boss?

To those of you who have kids, you can appreciate what it is like living with a two-year-old. Sheinah has turned into a bossy little girl (wonder where she gets THAT from). Some of the things she tells us just makes us laugh hysterically and sometimes we want to send her to her room forever. One of Melissa's favorite things is when Sheinah holds up her pointer finger and kind of pouts her lips and says "Just a minute mommy." Tonight, she was arguing with Melissa about something and Melissa said something to the effect of "I'm the boss of you." Sheinah replied, "you are not the boss of me mommy!" so Melissa asked who was the boss of her and she said "Daddy is the boss of me" :) Travis then explained to her that as the boss, he could make mommy the boss too. Ah, the joys of toddlerhood.

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